Categories 4
Product Result
ITEM NO : 3012938
Pallet Lifter Lightweight 1T L36
PART NO : 94-1-48
Lightweight Pallet Lifter Capacity 2000 lb. Fork Height 2 In. Fork Length 36 In. Fork Width 2 In. Fork Spacing 21 In. Bail Center of Gravity 24 In. Bail Opening Height 3-3/4 In. Bail Opening Width 2-1/2 In. Headroom 58 In. Material Above the Bail Opening 1/2 In. Overall Width 25 In. Standards ASME Throat Height 48 In.
price : 437,785.00 Baht / EA
ITEM NO : 3012936
Pallet Lifter Wheeled 1T L36
PART NO : 93W-1-48
Wheeled Pallet Lifter Capacity 2000 lb. Fork Height 2 In. Fork Length 36 In. Fork Width 2 In. Fork Spacing 21 In. Bail Center of Gravity 24 In. Bail Opening Height 3-3/4 In. Bail Opening Width 2-1/2 In. Headroom 60 In. Material Above the Bail Opening 1/2 In. Overall Width 25 In. Standards ASME Throat Height 48 In.
price : 487,418.00 Baht / EA